International College of Angiology
Member, Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS)
TELEPHONE: +802.988.4065 | Mobile: +516.901.1857
Executive Office:
International College of Angiology
161 Morin Drive
Jay, Vermont 05859-9283 USA
Tel: +802.988.4065
Mobile: +516.901.1857
Email: or
Copyright 2015 © International College of Angiology, Inc. All rights reserved.
57th Annual World Congress
We appreciate your participation in an International College of Angiology (ICA) medical education activity. This information has been prepared for you to help ensure that the International College of Angiology maintains the standards of quality for development, implementation and evaluation of its educational activities. You will need to complete and return several items in preparation of your presentation. Please note: All items must be returned to the International College of Angiology NO LATER THAN JULY 31, 2015. This will ensure that we are able to meet printing deadlines and credits are granted to the attendees.
The educational criteria with which we must comply, are intended to link continuing medical education efforts to changing/improving physician competence, performance, and/or patient outcomes. We are also required to measure whether or not the desired result/change occurred. Therefore, whenever possible, we encourage you to incorporate audience interaction and case-based content into your presentation to help facilitate change in the learners. These methods are shown to increase learning.
Evaluation of Educational Activity
It is the policy of the International College of Angiology to conduct post-activity evaluations. These evaluations ask participants to indicate the appropriateness of presentations to their specific needs, their confidence in their ability to meet the stated learning objectives, if they were satisfied with the educational design, and if there was any evidence of commercial bias. The results of these evaluations are used to plan future educational activities and are shared with faculty.
Presentation Aids/Handouts
Meeting facilities are equipped with varying types of audiovisual support systems. Therefore, it is necessary for us to obtain all presentations and videos 10 working days prior to the event. Please inform us of your needs by completing the attached Audiovisual Request Form. Please note: Your presentation must be loaded and tested prior to the event so that we can insure the least amount of technical difficulty during your presentation. Your presentation will also be needed in advance if a conflict of interest exists.
For those invited faculty, handouts are very important to those who attend our conferences. Please do whatever you can to include something in the course syllabus, such as an abstract of your presentation. A copy of handout materials for participants MUST BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 1, 2015.
Biographical Information/CV
Please email a copy of your CV and/or bio to: which will provide us with the background information for use in introductions and in promotional and/or handout materials.
Standards for Commercial Support/Disclosure Statements
The ICA adheres and complies with the Standards for Commercial Support. Although this activity may or may not be commercially supported, you are required to disclose any significant financial interest or relationship that you or your spouse may have with the manufacturer(s) of any commercial product or service that is discussed as part of your presentation. Please read the Disclosure, Conflict of Interest Resolution and Content Validation Policy, then complete, sign and return the appropriate Disclosure Form(s) for your presentation and/or other level of participation. If you have more than one presentation, you will be required to complete a Disclosure Form for each presentation.
The International College of Angiology requires that the content of its continuing medical education activities and related materials promote improvements or quality in healthcare and not a specific proprietary business interest of a commercial interest. In addition, any clinical information presented must be based on scientific methods generally accepted by the medical community. Therefore, please complete the reference portion of the enclosed planning document with 2-3 references to validate that your content is based on recent scientific evidence.
Since the International College of Angiology follows the guidelines of "The Commercial Support Standards," we require your presentation be free of commercial bias and any information regarding commercial products/services be based on scientific methods generally accepted by the medical community. If it is necessary to use a trade name, then those of several companies must be used.
Should you determine that you cannot comply with any of these requirements, please contact us as soon as possible.
If we can be of any further assistance supporting you with your presentation preparations or clarify any of the above information, please feel free to contact: Denise M. Rossignol during regular business hours at +802.988.4065 or via email: